Introduction | Task | Process | Resources |Evaluation | Conclusion
While investigating your prompt please focus on questions designed to help you conduct your investigation. If new ideas and questions arise, make sure to journal them for further investigation. It is important to consider whether these ideas should be included in your product.
Things to consider:
Things to consider:
- What types of information am I looking for? What am I familiar with?
- How will I know if sources are reliable? Did I check for credibility?
- What are my personal questions? Am I writing my questions down for further investigation?
- When I am researching, am I discovering new questions? Are my questions being answered, or am I more confused?
- Is everyone's ideas being included? Are all group members being treated equally?
- Is there a way I can organize this project? Should I use an outline, time-line, note cards, concept map?
- Does my product answer the prompt? Will the audience be able to answer the prompt if questioned after viewing my project?
- If I have a different prompt, did my teacher agree with it?
- Can I create any visual aids to support my project? Do I need pictures, diagrams, or definitions to help others learn?
- If I had to do this again, what would I do differently? Should I make changes now to improve and edit my project?
- Does my project match the rubric? Did I evaluate my final project before submitting?