MY LINKS... (Scroll down for Special Needs Resources)
All About Science Below is a list of sites that focus on science education, information, and research. These sites provide a good source for individuals looking to find quality information on specific topics.
Community Resources Below is a list of programs and locations that offer field trips and activities for the public. Throughout the year we will participate in a selection of the activities offered.
Professional Sources Allow me to share the sources I frequently use to enhance my teaching instruction. These sites act as tools for teachers wanting to maintain up to date standards in the classroom.
LDOnline - Learning Disabilities Online This is a great resources for families and teachers of students with learning disabilities. New teaching strategies and methods are constantly being shared and updated so students can be supported appropriately.
NSTA- National Science Teachers Association Although this site is dedicated to science education, it has current science information for those who like to stay up to date.
OSPI- Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction This link provides access to the website of OSPI where individuals can get more information regarding state standards and educational plans. Information regarding individual schools as well as school districts can also be located here.
PacNAME- Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators This site focuses on marine education. It provides access to resources for teachers.
Scholastic- Publishing Inc. This well-known publishing company provides affordable books for families and classrooms. Many literacy programs, as well as scholarships can be located through this site.
WSSEF- Washington State Science & Engineering Fair This site provides information about the upcoming State science and engineering fair. Persons interested should also inquire with their school science teacher.
WSTA- Washington Science Teachers Association This state level science teachers associate helps bring science teachers together where they can share their experience regarding how to teach state science standards.